Thank-You’s and Last Minute Thoughts

Pinch Me, I’m Dreaming

This past week has been surreal. No other words to describe it.

Each day has been a blur, getting all the final last minute prepping done (I feel like every time I go out, I manage to pick up something new that wasn’t on my list.) Am I really about to leave everything to go biking for months on end? Have I officially lost it? Guess I’ll find out soon. Anyways, right now I’m sitting here, enjoying this Vancouver heat, and just feeling overwhelmed / overjoyed at all the support that has been relentlessly coming my way. You’re all amazing. For real.

A big thank you to everyone who has offered me tips & advice, a place to crash at, supplies, help with checkpoint sneakage, words of encouragement, and support in all forms!.. It all goes a long way. Just super thankful. Merci à tous les cousins+ Barral et Barbot qui sont bien présent! Je suis navré que ce blog soit principalement en anglais, mais je vous directes à mon agent, Papa, que je nomme également traducteur officiel du voyage (le chanceux.) Ok peut-être pas. Au fait, souhaitez-lui bien un joyeux anniversaire qui est aujourd’hui!!

A shout out to those that subscribed to the blog updates. You’ll probably be the first ones reading this. 😉 Such a committed audience, wow, no pressure — there’s really no turning back now.

Thank you for all the comments. Even if I’m not able to respond to all of them, you can bet I’ll be reading each and every one!

Ok, my motivation is through the roof… Is it Saturday yet?


Decisions, Decisions

Now that there is only really one day left after this one (ahhhhh), the time has come to make some tough decisions on gear. I have yet to do my final packing, which will take place tomorrow. Feeling a little nervous about the space and the weight.

  • Mini cooler or not? (The thinking here is to freeze the freezer packs when the opportunity presents itself, and enjoy occasional fresh groceries.)
  • One tube of “Butt’r” cream or two? (Special shout out to Gavin for this clutch recommendation.)
  • The big fuel mixture bottle or the small one?
  • Do I really need those sweat pants?


Side note, since I just got my bike front rack in, I haven’t actually test driven the bike with all 4 paniers on! Wish me luck.


“Aw He Got the Velcros!!”

Oh you know it! These things will allow for better comfort and efficiency while riding as they’ll be clipping in nicely to the pedals. Not to mention, quite the fashion statement, especially when these double up as tap-dance shoes when I walk on any hard surface.



That’s it for today. Now to power through this last day and a bit, and get everything done (Soo many things, woah.) Then hitting the road bright and early on Saturday, where I shall begin this long long journey. Woowee.

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10 Responses

  1. Oh this is so interesting to read and to think about what you are thinking about. So much for you to consider. Can’t wait for all the “mores to come!”

  2. Bon vent Alexis !
    J’ai pas tout compris de ce que tu emportes ou pas… mais j’imagine que c’est un choix cornélien ! Ne pas se charger… mais quand même avoir la possibilité de boire une bière fraiche ! c’est important !
    Tous mes voeux t’accompagnent ! et j’attends la suite avec mon dico !

    1. Merci Anne! Hahah tu as tout-à-fait raison, c’est important, et je te ferrai un “tchin-tchin” en ton honneur!

  3. Je viens de voir à quoi peut servir la crème de Chamois !! les fesses sont à garder en bon état ! 😉

  4. Alors, je viens de relire mon contrat et il n’est nulle part mentionné que j’étais le traducteur officiel ! A moins d’une augmentation substantielle bien sûr… 😉

  5. Good luck Alexis! And yes, you probably want the sweat pants. They may seem like something that will take up space but in truth you’re going to crave that simple comfort if you don’t have it.

  6. Je me réveille un peu tard ?? Si j’ai bien fait mes calculs… C’est aujourd’hui le Grand départ…Mais je ne suis pas bonne en calcul… Dans tous les cas saches que je t’admire !! Que le vent te mène le plus loin possible… Mais surtout tes cuisses !!

  7. Hey Alexis ! Today is THE day !!! Have a great trip ! Can’t wait to read more news ! We are all thinking of you. Lots of love from France !

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